Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Aarons Movie Reviews
Its finals week here at GFU and instead of study I watched a movie...and ill be posting about movies I watch and what I think about them. The first section will not tell details so that one can go watch the movie, but the second part will have spoilers just and fyi for further posts.
I have been really getting into Alfred Hitchcock films, I really liked the Birds when I saw that and still do, so I started to watch some more of his films. Today I watched one called Vertigo, it tells the story of a retired policeman who falls in love with a mysterious woman he has been hired to follow. I think that it was a great movie for sure, lots of twists and things you think are about to happen and things you think will happen don't. CHECK IT OUT
(spoiler area)
I thought at first that it was a little bit drawn out, there were times of him driving around that seemed as if they could have been cut out of the movie, like ok i get what he is doing lets move on. And after the first ending i thought they were going to try and stretch out the rest of his life, but there is a pretty good twist and i really did like it. Not super crazy about the very last scene and how it leaves you but i think that was something that made it interesting, because everyone wants to leave on the upbeat note and not the downbeat. I guess in the original air there is another scene that shows him back with his somewhat earlier girlfriend, and they are happy because the husband was caught in London. But I think someone in London made him take it out of the movie...don't really know why.
Overall I liked the movie and it was really a good thriller of its time, and I don't see why we need such special effects to make great movies when these guys were doing it old school. But I would like to have seen him and that crazy mind today and seen what he would have came up with.
I have been really getting into Alfred Hitchcock films, I really liked the Birds when I saw that and still do, so I started to watch some more of his films. Today I watched one called Vertigo, it tells the story of a retired policeman who falls in love with a mysterious woman he has been hired to follow. I think that it was a great movie for sure, lots of twists and things you think are about to happen and things you think will happen don't. CHECK IT OUT
(spoiler area)
I thought at first that it was a little bit drawn out, there were times of him driving around that seemed as if they could have been cut out of the movie, like ok i get what he is doing lets move on. And after the first ending i thought they were going to try and stretch out the rest of his life, but there is a pretty good twist and i really did like it. Not super crazy about the very last scene and how it leaves you but i think that was something that made it interesting, because everyone wants to leave on the upbeat note and not the downbeat. I guess in the original air there is another scene that shows him back with his somewhat earlier girlfriend, and they are happy because the husband was caught in London. But I think someone in London made him take it out of the movie...don't really know why.
Overall I liked the movie and it was really a good thriller of its time, and I don't see why we need such special effects to make great movies when these guys were doing it old school. But I would like to have seen him and that crazy mind today and seen what he would have came up with.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Before you read any farther, or click on the link...make sure you have a minimum of hour of time able to be wasted.... is crazy...
you get some awesome cool websites...
all i have to say is check it out!!!!
this was one of the pics i found off of this...check it out glad your never in this situation in Oregon
Before you read any farther, or click on the link...make sure you have a minimum of hour of time able to be wasted.... is crazy...
you get some awesome cool websites...
all i have to say is check it out!!!!
this was one of the pics i found off of this...check it out glad your never in this situation in Oregon
Friday, December 05, 2008
Wii remote fun most know about the wii remote and how you can make your own smart board with it...but i was watching a video and found this out too..if you know the whole wii smartboard thing skip to min 3 of the video....
i am so happy i have seen game tech grow so far and so fast!!!!!
i am so happy i have seen game tech grow so far and so fast!!!!!
Daniel and his buds are awesome....Shadrach Meshach Abednego are people I cant wait to meet in heaven.
Most have heard of the story about the fiery furnace, and how these guys dont bow down to the bunny get tossed into the fire and then there are four...walk out not even smellin like a fire, King Neb starts to rethink his ole idol thing.
When I re-read this, its amazing just to think what was really happening at the time and what they stood up for.
All the big shots got invited and thousands bow, and these three dont...then they go to king and are like ya whats up were not scared of you look at our God, he take us out of here whenever he wants, and if not thats cool too (ALT Aarons Living Translation)
So king brings up fire 7 times hotter (holy number) and toss em in...I see em just kinda like walkin into cause the guards holdin em up are droppin and there not feeling a thing so there like heck lets get in there.
Then something cool happens Neb sees another guy "looks like a son of gods" how would you even know what this really looks like? his glow? he have a name tag? but instantly Neb knows who it really is.
Then Neb calls em out of the fire, and they dont even smell like fire, and we all know if you talk to someone who has been around a fire you then smell like one....
but when they were in the fire it never even says if they noticed that Jesus was there with them at all, it wasnt like they saw Him and were talkin to Him.
Sometimes God is in our situations and we dont even know it until later, so dont think He is not with you.
But this made me start to think, what would i have done in this situation at all? would i stand up for God, do i do things today that i should stop because its bowing and i need to stand up? How often do i take a back seat and not stand up or speak out when i need to.
We all need to stand up for whats right!!
Most have heard of the story about the fiery furnace, and how these guys dont bow down to the bunny get tossed into the fire and then there are four...walk out not even smellin like a fire, King Neb starts to rethink his ole idol thing.
When I re-read this, its amazing just to think what was really happening at the time and what they stood up for.
All the big shots got invited and thousands bow, and these three dont...then they go to king and are like ya whats up were not scared of you look at our God, he take us out of here whenever he wants, and if not thats cool too (ALT Aarons Living Translation)
So king brings up fire 7 times hotter (holy number) and toss em in...I see em just kinda like walkin into cause the guards holdin em up are droppin and there not feeling a thing so there like heck lets get in there.
Then something cool happens Neb sees another guy "looks like a son of gods" how would you even know what this really looks like? his glow? he have a name tag? but instantly Neb knows who it really is.
Then Neb calls em out of the fire, and they dont even smell like fire, and we all know if you talk to someone who has been around a fire you then smell like one....
but when they were in the fire it never even says if they noticed that Jesus was there with them at all, it wasnt like they saw Him and were talkin to Him.
Sometimes God is in our situations and we dont even know it until later, so dont think He is not with you.
But this made me start to think, what would i have done in this situation at all? would i stand up for God, do i do things today that i should stop because its bowing and i need to stand up? How often do i take a back seat and not stand up or speak out when i need to.
We all need to stand up for whats right!!
Monday, December 01, 2008
Micro Loans?
Kiva is an organization that helps out others in countries all over the world who are in need of a little bit of help. Instead of America throwing are money at problems and others governments being corrupt and taking the money for their own needs, this organization goes right to the source. Kiva goes out and talk to people who only need small amounts of money (compared to what we have) to help them out with their business to get off the ground and help them and the economy of where they are at.
It is a really amazing thing to think of, I first saw this on the Colbert Report a while back and heard about it the other day in class...I think its really awesome for a few reasons I can think of.
First would have to be- being able to help out others and trying to help them get a start, and improve their business to help themselves.
Second is that those who get these micro loans, 90% pay back the loans they get, so then you are able to put the money back to someone else who needs it again.
Third is that the loans are small, so in actuality you could find someone who is in need and fulfill their whole loan, or you can donate something like 25 to add into part of the loan...
So I think this would be awesome for families, friends, churches, small groups, high schoolers, middle schoolers, anyone with some spare cash to throw it all together and help others out.
I still havent donated or anything like that yet, but i know that i really want to get some peeps together and do this for sure....
It is a really amazing thing to think of, I first saw this on the Colbert Report a while back and heard about it the other day in class...I think its really awesome for a few reasons I can think of.
First would have to be- being able to help out others and trying to help them get a start, and improve their business to help themselves.
Second is that those who get these micro loans, 90% pay back the loans they get, so then you are able to put the money back to someone else who needs it again.
Third is that the loans are small, so in actuality you could find someone who is in need and fulfill their whole loan, or you can donate something like 25 to add into part of the loan...
So I think this would be awesome for families, friends, churches, small groups, high schoolers, middle schoolers, anyone with some spare cash to throw it all together and help others out.
I still havent donated or anything like that yet, but i know that i really want to get some peeps together and do this for sure....
Sunday, November 23, 2008
ok so i havent been keeping track of perfectly how many days it has been, but i have been off of iminlikewithyou for some time now. I really feel proud of my self because i was totally addicted to that website for some time, like it was my homepage so that i wouldnt have to type it in the address bar or whatever and it would come up automatically.
i think i have detoxed off of it long enough to try and start back up again from time and again for just a little bit a if you have been wondering where i am on it becasue your trying to beat me..ill be back..just not as often
but if you havent found it out what im talking about look it up its awesome
i think i have detoxed off of it long enough to try and start back up again from time and again for just a little bit a if you have been wondering where i am on it becasue your trying to beat me..ill be back..just not as often
but if you havent found it out what im talking about look it up its awesome
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Something we looked at in class
In my Christian Discipling class on Wednesdays we usually talk about prayer, either some different forms of prayer or something along the lines with prayer, and it has been very interesting actually.
So last class we looked at how Jesus prayed for others, because we thought it would be good to see how The Master actually prays. So we looked in John 16.33-17.25. The first section Jesus prays for Himself, then for His disciples and then all believers.
Which is something really awesome to think about in the first place because Jesus is actually praying for you and me. This somewhat really was astonishing to think that Jesus would pray for us, I know He loves and cares for us, but this is just seems such more personal, because it is a human act to pray...and Jesus was fully human.
But the other part that was really interesting was in 17.33 "Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." This was crazy to think about because if you were to ask someone what is eternal life, I think most would say like living in heaven with God, or being in heaven. But this is really showing that eternal life is here on earth as well, that we know GOD the only god, and Jesus Christ...
(This is what David Guzik has to say about it)
"Life is active involvement in an environment; death is the absence of that active involvement. Eternal life means that we are alive and active to God's environment. If our lives are not dominated by God and the spiritual environment, we have the same life as animals, and are dead to God and His environment."
All I really have to say is that it was something really interesting to me and something that I guess I never really thought about at all...
I love God and the Logos because every time I open it I learn something new....sweet
So last class we looked at how Jesus prayed for others, because we thought it would be good to see how The Master actually prays. So we looked in John 16.33-17.25. The first section Jesus prays for Himself, then for His disciples and then all believers.
Which is something really awesome to think about in the first place because Jesus is actually praying for you and me. This somewhat really was astonishing to think that Jesus would pray for us, I know He loves and cares for us, but this is just seems such more personal, because it is a human act to pray...and Jesus was fully human.
But the other part that was really interesting was in 17.33 "Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." This was crazy to think about because if you were to ask someone what is eternal life, I think most would say like living in heaven with God, or being in heaven. But this is really showing that eternal life is here on earth as well, that we know GOD the only god, and Jesus Christ...
(This is what David Guzik has to say about it)
"Life is active involvement in an environment; death is the absence of that active involvement. Eternal life means that we are alive and active to God's environment. If our lives are not dominated by God and the spiritual environment, we have the same life as animals, and are dead to God and His environment."
All I really have to say is that it was something really interesting to me and something that I guess I never really thought about at all...
I love God and the Logos because every time I open it I learn something new....sweet
Monday, November 10, 2008
SO the other day we were at Target...and I saw that POD came out with a new cd...the crazy thing is that i had no clue that they were even still a band anymore...but it came out like 6months ago too...i have gotten all their cds since like sunff the punk or brown something like that...i really like their music for sure...and even though this is named really weird and all, there still are some really good songs on it for glad thier still around and all becasue they were around before i think i was even in high school, so im not old and like ppl in the band is dying away yet...
well check it out on you tube or something if your a real fan
well check it out on you tube or something if your a real fan
Sunday, November 09, 2008
ok so i have to watch the office online cause fox doesnt have cable...well they do i just have to pay for it extra and im not paying enough i just watched the newest episode...and i feel that the office is not being funny enough...i feel like they are trying to move into more of a serious tone and its really not working for them...why does every week have to end on a downer...i remember when we would be laughing and making jokes about the whole episode before...but not there is like one funny thing that happens that we have to stretch out for the whole somewhat depressed...could it because of the downer show tone, or that i feel the office is slowly coming to a close...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
ok so if you use to love tetris but it was to old and boring for you...
you play online against others and you get almost wepons to use on others or saves to use on your own...
just google it or find in on and play...
its agood one for now
you play online against others and you get almost wepons to use on others or saves to use on your own...
just google it or find in on and play...
its agood one for now
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I have been thinking about this for some TIME but, i don't have enough to really think about it, so I'm writing it out maybe some others, or like the two people who look at this say something or what they have noticed...
Time has become something that is so important to us, that we have schedules for years in advance of things already planned out and ready to go. Everything in America is so timed base that if you are late to some things it almost means your what were you really doing something else more important to be late at my thing...
is time valuable?
i think that yes it is, but maybe not in the way i normally think about it...i think we have all heard the saying time is money, but that is because if were not working were not making waisting time is actually costing us money, which is another topic about how were addicted to money...but time is something were addicted to as well.
i know that there are some places that don't really keep track as much as Americans do, and that things are more like when i get there i get there sort of mindset, but then there are others who its more, if something comes up i need to take care of it.
why are we so addicted to time?
just the other day i was heading early in the morning from the church to my girlfriends house, i saw a kid that i just said hi to about 2 hours ago and asked how he was doing walking on the street towards his house. it was pretty cold out, and he was in shorts and a t-shirt. i looked at him walking, he was a little ways away, and i thought to myself should i go up there and pick him up or see if he wants a ride to his house? i sat there for almost a min. thinking to myself. but after that min i decided to somewhat con myself out of going, saying he is probably close to home, or he will say no thanks to my ride, not see that it was someone who he i drove off not giving him a ride at all...i honestly could have taken 1 min picked him up dropped him off and been on my way, but i didn't.
i am reading this new book and its really getting go me and it was talking about how everyone is our neighbor and how we should treat everyone, and looking at my past Ive been a freaking bad neighbor for sure....
so maybe the next time your hurrying off to go get food, or towards something that you cant miss or be late for, to just take a sec 1 SEC and see what really needs to be addressed at that time....maybe God just needs America and the world to slow down to really see him....or maybe at least me.
Time has become something that is so important to us, that we have schedules for years in advance of things already planned out and ready to go. Everything in America is so timed base that if you are late to some things it almost means your what were you really doing something else more important to be late at my thing...
is time valuable?
i think that yes it is, but maybe not in the way i normally think about it...i think we have all heard the saying time is money, but that is because if were not working were not making waisting time is actually costing us money, which is another topic about how were addicted to money...but time is something were addicted to as well.
i know that there are some places that don't really keep track as much as Americans do, and that things are more like when i get there i get there sort of mindset, but then there are others who its more, if something comes up i need to take care of it.
why are we so addicted to time?
just the other day i was heading early in the morning from the church to my girlfriends house, i saw a kid that i just said hi to about 2 hours ago and asked how he was doing walking on the street towards his house. it was pretty cold out, and he was in shorts and a t-shirt. i looked at him walking, he was a little ways away, and i thought to myself should i go up there and pick him up or see if he wants a ride to his house? i sat there for almost a min. thinking to myself. but after that min i decided to somewhat con myself out of going, saying he is probably close to home, or he will say no thanks to my ride, not see that it was someone who he i drove off not giving him a ride at all...i honestly could have taken 1 min picked him up dropped him off and been on my way, but i didn't.
i am reading this new book and its really getting go me and it was talking about how everyone is our neighbor and how we should treat everyone, and looking at my past Ive been a freaking bad neighbor for sure....
so maybe the next time your hurrying off to go get food, or towards something that you cant miss or be late for, to just take a sec 1 SEC and see what really needs to be addressed at that time....maybe God just needs America and the world to slow down to really see him....or maybe at least me.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Friday, October 03, 2008
i just bought a razor scooter...if you didnt know its it goes faster
but this kid is my new scooter hero...some day i hope to grow up just to be like him
but this kid is my new scooter hero...some day i hope to grow up just to be like him
Thursday, October 02, 2008
i needed a place to vent...thanks mr. blog
i just watched a movie about America and i had to vent to someone so who better than mr blog...
i dont need to say who directed it or the movie title at all. if you dont guess anyway.
it was about America's healthcare system and how much is SUCKS....i am so worked up right now about all the things that were talked about in other countries that have government paid healthcare, and hospitals, perscriptions, anything you can think of the government was taking care of just looks so amazing what the gov. is doing for their people. adn then i look at us here, and what they said on the movie and literally, the healthcare systems are deny ppl money to pay for bills so that they can save a buck...even if it costs a life...WHAT IN THE WORLD....
i dont know what im saying im just says towards the end of the movie how cuba has better healthcare system and they go there and actually have ppl from America go and get help, and probably better help than they recieved in america...
also they talked of hospitals that would put ppl into a cab that couldnt pay their bills and ship them to some sort of shelter...because they couldnt pay...
i can see why so many other places hate americans so much...and i dont know i know its our falut for doing and making it this way...but its because i know its all i have seen and would think america is heaven....but after this we are the only place in the western hemisphere without government healthcare...
i almost wish i could move to anywhere else for some of the things, but that would be a cop out and we need to do something here, and try to make a change...
gosh it was so sad...i dont even know what to say
i dont need to say who directed it or the movie title at all. if you dont guess anyway.
it was about America's healthcare system and how much is SUCKS....i am so worked up right now about all the things that were talked about in other countries that have government paid healthcare, and hospitals, perscriptions, anything you can think of the government was taking care of just looks so amazing what the gov. is doing for their people. adn then i look at us here, and what they said on the movie and literally, the healthcare systems are deny ppl money to pay for bills so that they can save a buck...even if it costs a life...WHAT IN THE WORLD....
i dont know what im saying im just says towards the end of the movie how cuba has better healthcare system and they go there and actually have ppl from America go and get help, and probably better help than they recieved in america...
also they talked of hospitals that would put ppl into a cab that couldnt pay their bills and ship them to some sort of shelter...because they couldnt pay...
i can see why so many other places hate americans so much...and i dont know i know its our falut for doing and making it this way...but its because i know its all i have seen and would think america is heaven....but after this we are the only place in the western hemisphere without government healthcare...
i almost wish i could move to anywhere else for some of the things, but that would be a cop out and we need to do something here, and try to make a change...
gosh it was so sad...i dont even know what to say
Thursday, September 18, 2008
ok so i have been in school for like three weeks now and things are crazy...its pretty nice actually...for some reason i have a ton of reading, like they are trying to make me learn or something like that its a lil crazy.
finished like my first longer book today it was called in his was just a story about a pastor who asks the question what would Jesus do? and then miraculous things happen for his church and then for other peoples church as well...
but now i get to start into a new book called hurt by chap clark, and i guess its suppose to be really good book and all so i hope that it is. its about teenagers and kinda how their lives are going and why some of them just suck..i think thats what its about...i havent started it yet...
but otherwise school has been going good, trying to meet some new peeps and all for sure so thats always interesting for sure....
but ya so enough of this for now...i prolly got something i should be playin cs with the bros..
ok peaceout
finished like my first longer book today it was called in his was just a story about a pastor who asks the question what would Jesus do? and then miraculous things happen for his church and then for other peoples church as well...
but now i get to start into a new book called hurt by chap clark, and i guess its suppose to be really good book and all so i hope that it is. its about teenagers and kinda how their lives are going and why some of them just suck..i think thats what its about...i havent started it yet...
but otherwise school has been going good, trying to meet some new peeps and all for sure so thats always interesting for sure....
but ya so enough of this for now...i prolly got something i should be playin cs with the bros..
ok peaceout
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Monday, September 01, 2008
guess what

I am now back at school and that means i have some spare time to start blogging again woot woot...ok so i just started a new school things are going ok....need to find some peeps to hang out with for sure...but things are going good, i took a nap today and almost over slept one of my classes that was cool...but otherwise the school seems really great so far and im really likin it a ton....
more to come soon...
have a new book ive been reading and its pretty freakin awsome...
o and if you super bored and want something really dumb to look at...check out...
thats the funny pic stuff up top
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
here are some updates about what has been going on in my life just so you can keep up with me
-bought a car...1993 toyota camry...runs great so far and gets me from point a to b and i havent had a car in like 2 years so its crazy to think that i have one now
-started another blog for my photography site, its called swank photograhy...its just a start to something i hope make bigger and better.
-my brother is getting married this weekend so thats crazy wierd for sure
-still playin disk golf starting to be a lil more consistent, but hurt my back the other michelle my athletic trainer told me to rest from playin for a few days...haha
there are some things that have happened lately...keep in touch
-bought a car...1993 toyota camry...runs great so far and gets me from point a to b and i havent had a car in like 2 years so its crazy to think that i have one now
-started another blog for my photography site, its called swank photograhy...its just a start to something i hope make bigger and better.
-my brother is getting married this weekend so thats crazy wierd for sure
-still playin disk golf starting to be a lil more consistent, but hurt my back the other michelle my athletic trainer told me to rest from playin for a few days...haha
there are some things that have happened lately...keep in touch
Saturday, May 24, 2008
looking for a car and job
looking for a car really does suck when you dont have a lot of money and your very picky...thats me...i think my sights are set to high for how much money i have but then again i really want a good car thats going to last me for a long time cause it takes a while to save up enough money to buy a car and least for me being a student and all...
also looking for a job is no fun either, i always think for some reason its going to be super easy for me and all, that it will just fall into my it did for michelle...but no i have to take the long road...i guess im not as motivated as i prolly should be cause work isnt all that fun...but seeing the bank acount slowly dwindle and nothing go into really does suck too...
im happy i have a family that really is here and supports me and helps me, cause if i was living on my own i do have to think that i would be dead by now...not fun...
ok well peaceout
also looking for a job is no fun either, i always think for some reason its going to be super easy for me and all, that it will just fall into my it did for michelle...but no i have to take the long road...i guess im not as motivated as i prolly should be cause work isnt all that fun...but seeing the bank acount slowly dwindle and nothing go into really does suck too...
im happy i have a family that really is here and supports me and helps me, cause if i was living on my own i do have to think that i would be dead by now...not fun...
ok well peaceout
Monday, May 19, 2008
Title goes here...
OK so I think i am going to start up a 2nd blog or maybe just another part off of this one...i will still have this one and all but the other one will be more like for a Bible, (not study but discussion??) ITs not like i have the thing to say and want to share with everyone...but more like i want to see what others have to say about the Bible and verses and everything like that...
so i will start by throwing up some passages, this way if you dont think you have time for reading the Bible and all, you can come and look here write a lil and more discuss about it...maybe a lil more interesting and that way to keep you more accountable and interested in it...
ok so just wait and hopefully here real soon ill have something up and running...if you have any suggestions of a name for the site that would be great....
ok peaceout hope to see you at the new one sometime...
so i will start by throwing up some passages, this way if you dont think you have time for reading the Bible and all, you can come and look here write a lil and more discuss about it...maybe a lil more interesting and that way to keep you more accountable and interested in it...
ok so just wait and hopefully here real soon ill have something up and running...if you have any suggestions of a name for the site that would be great....
ok peaceout hope to see you at the new one sometime...
Sunday, May 18, 2008
You never know....
Life is something I take for granted way to much, mine and the ones I love so much. Today I had news that a son lost his son, it was intense for me and I didn't even know the son, mother or father who passed away in a car really just hit me on how delicate life really is.
This song is a really emotional song for me and after the first time I heard it, it really just made me think, and feel so blah....
Remeber that the when you say bye to someone it could be the last time...I know its kinda a downer subject and all but really....
Monday, May 12, 2008
Changing it up...

If you didnt know yet, I am not going to Simpson University down in Redding, CA. anymore...Ill be moving up north back to the home state and be going to George Fox University...know by the local as FOX...Im trying to be hip with it up here and all.
It will be pretty crazy to be going to a new college and all, it should be really great though, Fox is really a great school and im really happy to be going there, it will be an adventure and a great thing for me for sure.
Moved back up here to be a lil closer to the family and to M. instead of a 6hr drive its only like an its a lot better for will be good to be closer to the ones I love....
so just thought i should let you all just know...but im guessin you already knew....
Monday, April 28, 2008
Back at home....
Hi there...
well the school year is offically over and i am now back at home...we have like a computer room and i just set up and its pretty awsome...i got a nice recliner and all to sit in and my screen looks nice...its just good to be home for sure...
now i guess i have to start looking for a job and all that good to make some money....
well i hope to keep posts going over the summer this year...and abnout the new book i just started...i had to stop readin in cause of finals and all but now thats all over i can get back to it...
well have a great one see ya around....
well the school year is offically over and i am now back at home...we have like a computer room and i just set up and its pretty awsome...i got a nice recliner and all to sit in and my screen looks nice...its just good to be home for sure...
now i guess i have to start looking for a job and all that good to make some money....
well i hope to keep posts going over the summer this year...and abnout the new book i just started...i had to stop readin in cause of finals and all but now thats all over i can get back to it...
well have a great one see ya around....
Friday, April 25, 2008
Today was about cleaning the dorm and the bathrooms...its not a great day cause there is all this cleaning and packing and all, but its great because tomarrow im out of here...its kinda crazy still to think that the year and all..
i dont like cleaning thats for sure, i hopefully just keep cleaner then its not as bad at the end of the year next wasnt bad this year but still cleaning is cleannig...
see all you albanians soon
i dont like cleaning thats for sure, i hopefully just keep cleaner then its not as bad at the end of the year next wasnt bad this year but still cleaning is cleannig...
see all you albanians soon
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
all done!!!!
ok so today was my last day of real least hard ones...i have one more tomarrow but it will b an easy one for sure...i cant believe that summer is already here its pretty crazy for sure!!!!
i cant believe that the school year is all done no more hw no more dorm no more cafe food...thank God for that...
the summer should be great...i cant wait...
well finally schools over...
hopefully ill keep up on posts...we have fast internet at home so why not...haha
i cant believe that the school year is all done no more hw no more dorm no more cafe food...thank God for that...
the summer should be great...i cant wait...
well finally schools over...
hopefully ill keep up on posts...we have fast internet at home so why not...haha
Monday, April 21, 2008
Finals Day 1 complete
So today we had our first day of finals and I had two of them. They were both really easy so it was a good day to just get in the finals mode and get them over with...nothing to special there.
the worst part is that i have my possibly medium hardness test on wensday and also my hard test on wensday as i have been studian all day for those...well as much as my brain can handle....
but we did find this great new game...actually 2 but i like one better, the one i like is called dice it its pretty awsome, its like risk but a lot easier and faster...and if you get real good, theres a mutiplayer site you can hit up and try to raise your ranks there....its pretty hard...
the other is called bloxorz...gooogle that too, its pretty fun, a real brain twister...thats why i like the other one better, not as much thinking involved...but i did beat all the levels...thank you...
well day one of 4, so thats not to bad at all...then summer break and then i get to chill with michelle and the family will be great
the worst part is that i have my possibly medium hardness test on wensday and also my hard test on wensday as i have been studian all day for those...well as much as my brain can handle....
but we did find this great new game...actually 2 but i like one better, the one i like is called dice it its pretty awsome, its like risk but a lot easier and faster...and if you get real good, theres a mutiplayer site you can hit up and try to raise your ranks there....its pretty hard...
the other is called bloxorz...gooogle that too, its pretty fun, a real brain twister...thats why i like the other one better, not as much thinking involved...but i did beat all the levels...thank you...
well day one of 4, so thats not to bad at all...then summer break and then i get to chill with michelle and the family will be great
Saturday, April 19, 2008
A look at my title
A little while ago I was going to change my little heading thing that says "I honor the Holy One who lives in you" but never got around to it, and glad that I didnt.
The other day for some reason was just a really great day, and that saying really just hit me all over again like I had never heard it before.
In all of us we have this image of God, becuase HE lives in us...that sparkel in your eye or something you do, its just the image of God.
I really think it is amazing how you can see this in people and in different situations, if its just a good word someone says to you or even someone else, or a smile, or possibly even just someone saying hi. anyways...
when you are with other people, remember God is there with them, treat them with the respect you would treat Jesus, love them, care for them, help them in what they need...go out of your way to do something nice, it really goes a long way.
The other day for some reason was just a really great day, and that saying really just hit me all over again like I had never heard it before.
In all of us we have this image of God, becuase HE lives in us...that sparkel in your eye or something you do, its just the image of God.
I really think it is amazing how you can see this in people and in different situations, if its just a good word someone says to you or even someone else, or a smile, or possibly even just someone saying hi. anyways...
when you are with other people, remember God is there with them, treat them with the respect you would treat Jesus, love them, care for them, help them in what they need...go out of your way to do something nice, it really goes a long way.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Woot Woot
I offically packed my first box for the summer, it was full of school books and dvds that im not going to watch from now till who knows maybe next school year even...its great and crazy to think that the school year is already over and its summer...i do still have 6 days of school left but hey its better than like 200 something days i guesss...crazy to think its another year down...and more in debt...hahah
Sunday, April 13, 2008
New Book
I finished my last fun book that I had been reading called The New Chrstians by Tony Jones. It was a really great book for sure, and some really interesting and new ideas in it for sure...i really like the book..
So it was time to get a new book and I got one today from church actually tonite, called Jesus for Shane Claiborne and Chris Haw.
I really like Shane he is a great guy, i actually got to meet him and shake his hand...hes a lot taller in real life for sure...and you think he may smell bad but in all reality he didnt smell that bad at all....
so i got this new book and am going to read it over the summer, hopefully not the whole summer thats for sure...
but i may throw some posts on it up here every once in a while...looks like it should be a good read for sure...
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Final Stretch
We officially have 2 weeks of school left...1 week of class and then 1 week of finals...i cant believe that the year has gone by so fast it seems...actually whenever i wanted it to go by fast it would go so and vise that's not really that cool at all...cause right now i just want to be done.
finals don't look super hard there are a few classes that will be a little ch alleging but that's about it, other than i have to touch up my 10pg psalms paper as well, for Tuesday...and that's not going to be great cause I'm not the best in the whole writing category for sure....
otherwise i cant wait for the summer to be here, get to be back with the family, back with Michelle, and just home...its funny how you always want to get away so bad and then when your away you want to just be home again....kinda funny how that works and all....
well wish all of us here at Simpson luck the last two weeks
finals don't look super hard there are a few classes that will be a little ch alleging but that's about it, other than i have to touch up my 10pg psalms paper as well, for Tuesday...and that's not going to be great cause I'm not the best in the whole writing category for sure....
otherwise i cant wait for the summer to be here, get to be back with the family, back with Michelle, and just home...its funny how you always want to get away so bad and then when your away you want to just be home again....kinda funny how that works and all....
well wish all of us here at Simpson luck the last two weeks
Thursday, April 10, 2008

It is about time...i needed a fix for sure. Today was a great day in history, the office finally came back on air after the writer strike had been going. It was a great one by the way, some very good issues were brought up and some good flare for the first office coming back.
i have a lot of speculations about whats going to happen this year, and i hope they come long as it keeps going on forever like frineds i will be happy...
i really think its a great show...and im glad its makes me laugh and makes me glad
thanks nbc
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Cirque du Soleil
this is a pretty awesome circus, it is not the normal thing that you think of when you say the word circus, its not stupid, there aren't animals, no elephants,
this is some amazing acrobats and amazing things that they do right in front of you....
this was something great to go to and was something i would do again in a heartbeat for sure, it was suspenseful but yet also for sure. it was fun and a great time!!!!!
this is a youtube video of it, watch it..
this is a pretty awesome circus, it is not the normal thing that you think of when you say the word circus, its not stupid, there aren't animals, no elephants,
this is some amazing acrobats and amazing things that they do right in front of you....
this was something great to go to and was something i would do again in a heartbeat for sure, it was suspenseful but yet also for sure. it was fun and a great time!!!!!
this is a youtube video of it, watch it..
Small Groups
Today for my small groups class we had to do little summaries from a website that was actually really helpful and interesting. It was all about small groups and the such it was really i am going to add the website to my site...i made this lil fact sheet about 3 of the articles i feel pretty proud of how it came out its pretty awsome for sure. click the title or sidebar to see if interested....
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Spring Break
ok we have t minus 2 days till spring break, and you think i would be totally excited....i am, but not untill tomarrow is over, i have a pretty big test that i missed a class of notes, so i dont think its going to go to well...but i just want wensday to be over and its smooth sailing from there...
after spring break school looks like it should be pretty "easy" compared to the last 2 weeks of school for sure, so hopefully i make it through....
i dont know why im writing this now even cuase i should be studian, but i cant do that all day...
uh school it takes a lot out of ya, but you gain so muhc, what a love hate relationship...
after spring break school looks like it should be pretty "easy" compared to the last 2 weeks of school for sure, so hopefully i make it through....
i dont know why im writing this now even cuase i should be studian, but i cant do that all day...
uh school it takes a lot out of ya, but you gain so muhc, what a love hate relationship...
Thursday, February 28, 2008
I have a love hate relationship with it, I love to procrastinate, but I hate having to do all the work at the last min. For some reason I feel exhausted and done with homework, I don't get why I am paying people good money, and then them turn around and make me stress with papers and tests, midterms and finals....maybe we should cut their pay till they make us not do these then give em back their money...i wish....
i don't want to do it anymore!!!! so ill procrastinate a little more...
i don't want to do it anymore!!!! so ill procrastinate a little more...
Monday, February 25, 2008
Theology class
today in Theo class we were talking about sin and evil, so we had to get to the topic of the problem of evil... the problem is this...
1)A perfectly good God would want to stop evil.
2) A perfectly powerful God could stop evil.
3) Evil exists.
Therefore God is either good, but not powerful, powerful, but not good, or neither powerful nor good.
(All this is thought up by Leibniz, this is not the final answer because anyone reading this can see there are other options as well)
But then the teacher asked about "why cant we associate evil with God, we always think that evil is on one side and God is the opposite, how could we ever say God near evil, or that it is God's problem...
The this verse came up Isaiah 45:7 "The One forming light and creating darkness, causing well-being and creating calamity; I am the Lord who does all these things."
This is a verse we don't here very often at all, calamity means disaster, ie God creates disaster...this is crazy for some to think of!!! (it took me pretty off balance at first)
but then we ask if God creates it and it is His problem why doesn't He fix it then...and the thing is and its a big THING....He has....God sent His Son to fix the problem of evil.
God may have created them, but he also healed them...and now its us who brings them upon ourselves...we do the evil on our own...not God...
I don't know its a pretty bold verse and something really to think about, I may have not got 100% the right words across here, but in my mind its a lot more clear....
just something to look at.
1)A perfectly good God would want to stop evil.
2) A perfectly powerful God could stop evil.
3) Evil exists.
Therefore God is either good, but not powerful, powerful, but not good, or neither powerful nor good.
(All this is thought up by Leibniz, this is not the final answer because anyone reading this can see there are other options as well)
But then the teacher asked about "why cant we associate evil with God, we always think that evil is on one side and God is the opposite, how could we ever say God near evil, or that it is God's problem...
The this verse came up Isaiah 45:7 "The One forming light and creating darkness, causing well-being and creating calamity; I am the Lord who does all these things."
This is a verse we don't here very often at all, calamity means disaster, ie God creates disaster...this is crazy for some to think of!!! (it took me pretty off balance at first)
but then we ask if God creates it and it is His problem why doesn't He fix it then...and the thing is and its a big THING....He has....God sent His Son to fix the problem of evil.
God may have created them, but he also healed them...and now its us who brings them upon ourselves...we do the evil on our own...not God...
I don't know its a pretty bold verse and something really to think about, I may have not got 100% the right words across here, but in my mind its a lot more clear....
just something to look at.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
this is the time in my life i call DISTANCE. (i watched the pursuit of happyness and will labels things like this and i like it, so i may steal it, just trying it on see how it feels)
you man be asking why would i label a part of my life with distance, i mean how can one be distant from oneself...but it is who i am distant from that is the hard thing...I have been in a long term relationship for now over 2.5yrs, which for some ppl seems like a crazy long time(because it is) but the last 1.5yrs ish we have been having to do the whole long distance relationship, and it gets harder and harder everyday.
before i came to college here in Cali, we were talkin with a married couple that had went through long distant relationship as well, and we asked was it hard? And the guy said bluntly yes!!! it felt like he hit me in the face with a brick...that wasnt the answer i was looking for...i remember saying to myself and probably others as well that it was proabably just hard for them, were in a better relationship it will be fine...
how wrong was I, this is prolly the hardest thing i have ever gone through, i think that at first yes it was great that i moved away and i think it really did make us a lot stronger and really was good for both of us, but now it just SUCKS!!!!
we dont know why were in this situation i guess its cause we chose it, but it really does hurt a lot, the distance hurts a lot....
you man be asking why would i label a part of my life with distance, i mean how can one be distant from oneself...but it is who i am distant from that is the hard thing...I have been in a long term relationship for now over 2.5yrs, which for some ppl seems like a crazy long time(because it is) but the last 1.5yrs ish we have been having to do the whole long distance relationship, and it gets harder and harder everyday.
before i came to college here in Cali, we were talkin with a married couple that had went through long distant relationship as well, and we asked was it hard? And the guy said bluntly yes!!! it felt like he hit me in the face with a brick...that wasnt the answer i was looking for...i remember saying to myself and probably others as well that it was proabably just hard for them, were in a better relationship it will be fine...
how wrong was I, this is prolly the hardest thing i have ever gone through, i think that at first yes it was great that i moved away and i think it really did make us a lot stronger and really was good for both of us, but now it just SUCKS!!!!
we dont know why were in this situation i guess its cause we chose it, but it really does hurt a lot, the distance hurts a lot....
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Imago dei
Imago dei "the image of God"
We talked about this in my theology class today and for some reason it really stood out to me... I have heard it before and knew what it was all about and things like that, so it wasn't like the first time I have heard it.
But this time I heard it, it was almost like I saw it new, everyone was created imago dei ...everyone was created in the image of God...everyone has the image of God in them...(i know your all saying duh to me, dont judge me)
I just think it hit me cuase i realized how much judging I do to others or treat them like garbage, and I really needd to stop that.
The title of my blog is namaste which means "I honor the Holy One who lives in you" and now Imago Dei "The image of God"
I love people and thats why I want to become a pastor, cause Im starting to realize more about everyone...its amazing!!!!
Thank you Lord for making us in the image of you!!!
We talked about this in my theology class today and for some reason it really stood out to me... I have heard it before and knew what it was all about and things like that, so it wasn't like the first time I have heard it.
But this time I heard it, it was almost like I saw it new, everyone was created imago dei ...everyone was created in the image of God...everyone has the image of God in them...(i know your all saying duh to me, dont judge me)
I just think it hit me cuase i realized how much judging I do to others or treat them like garbage, and I really needd to stop that.
The title of my blog is namaste which means "I honor the Holy One who lives in you" and now Imago Dei "The image of God"
I love people and thats why I want to become a pastor, cause Im starting to realize more about everyone...its amazing!!!!
Thank you Lord for making us in the image of you!!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Little book
I recently recieved a little book by A.W. Tozer, How to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Its only about 60 pages long and are a few sermons of Tozer about the Holy Spirit. I read it in a day, 1 because it was super interesting and 2 beacuse it was pretty short and i didnt feel like reading stuff for school at the time. There are some things that he said that really kinda took me back for a second...or like im still thinkin about them now.
The first thing that really blew me away was that of the Holy Spirit coming down at the Pentecost. He asks the question that since the Holy Ghost came down on them...does that mean it is here for us as well, or do we need Him to fall on us as well.
The thing that what brought me back is the thought that "duh He is here" but then I started to think about it, and maybe He is here on earth, but is He in my life?
Tozer goes on to some really convicting questions (that are really good for one to ask oneself) about ones life and what it means to really be filled with the Holy Spirit.
It was a little book that I thought I was just going to read and maybe get something from it, I didn't think that it would be something that made me review my life with God...but im glad it was given to me, its something I will be looking at for awhile now.
Paperclips (areas i paperclip in the book and are what i think are good sayins from the book)
'"do you believe that the Lord answers prayer and heals the sick?" he would reply, "sure i do" he believes it, but he dosnt teach it, and what you dont believe strongly enough to teach doesnt do you any good'
'you want His help (Gods): yes, you want a lot of His benefits, yes, but are you willing to go with Him in His opposition to the easygoing ways of the world?'
The first thing that really blew me away was that of the Holy Spirit coming down at the Pentecost. He asks the question that since the Holy Ghost came down on them...does that mean it is here for us as well, or do we need Him to fall on us as well.
The thing that what brought me back is the thought that "duh He is here" but then I started to think about it, and maybe He is here on earth, but is He in my life?
Tozer goes on to some really convicting questions (that are really good for one to ask oneself) about ones life and what it means to really be filled with the Holy Spirit.
It was a little book that I thought I was just going to read and maybe get something from it, I didn't think that it would be something that made me review my life with God...but im glad it was given to me, its something I will be looking at for awhile now.
Paperclips (areas i paperclip in the book and are what i think are good sayins from the book)
'"do you believe that the Lord answers prayer and heals the sick?" he would reply, "sure i do" he believes it, but he dosnt teach it, and what you dont believe strongly enough to teach doesnt do you any good'
'you want His help (Gods): yes, you want a lot of His benefits, yes, but are you willing to go with Him in His opposition to the easygoing ways of the world?'
Monday, February 11, 2008
Its been awhile
Alright, I know that it has been a while (ie 2 months) since my last time i wrote something on this, but i am really going to be trying to type more on here and just do things on the blog...
i think it will be fun to really be able to get to learn all this stuff, and I have a lot of things on my mind that I would like to put up as well.
So when i get some downtime (get bored at school) I think ill be writing on here a lot more often.
i think it will be fun to really be able to get to learn all this stuff, and I have a lot of things on my mind that I would like to put up as well.
So when i get some downtime (get bored at school) I think ill be writing on here a lot more often.
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